Updates to the Cambrionix Command Line Interface (CLI) User Manual

Announcements Technical insight

Just because you use complex technology, it doesn’t mean you want complex user manuals to decipher. We are always looking for ways to simplify and streamline our support resources. And it makes life as easy as possible for the people using our products.

Therefore we have combined our CLI manuals into a single unified document and made it easier to navigate the command set. After that, additional information and explanations have also been added to make our CLI easier to follow and use to control our USB hubs.

Cambrionix team updates the CLI User Manual regularly to reflect the latest documentation updates and feature enhancements to the command instruction set.

Most importantly, we would recommend downloading the manual as required to get the most up to date information.

We need you

Sometimes you need to take a step back to see the bigger picture. As a result it really helps to get your perspective on what we do.

We continually welcome suggestions for improvement to our documentation. For instance, be that further examples or more detailed explanation of functionality and are always ready to listen.

If you would like to share any suggestions for improvement, please let us know via our support desk.

You can access the latest Cambrionix Command Line Instructions (CLI) User Manual downloaded directly from our site – just follow the link to Download.

Your turn

Our engineers and developers are always busy, but to make sure we’re working on the stuff that’s important to YOU, we’d appreciate your feedback.

Just click here to let us know if you’ve got a bright idea about new features, or want to talk through an issue you’ve uncovered.

Cambrionix is the leading provider of intelligent USB hubs for mass mobile device management. Cambrionix’s range of USB hubs, software and tools, support many of the world's biggest businesses to succeed across a range of industries including hardware and software development, technology, logistics, education, healthcare and retail.

You can click to find out more about Cambrionix’s USB hubs here and the Cambrionix Connect software here.

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