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By  Emma Price  on 

Engineering round-up: Fast, frequent and feedback-friendly!

  • Technical insight
Engineering round-up

Cambrionix Software


Engineering round-up. We recognise that by releasing incremental updates on new features more regularly, our software - and the value that it’s intended to deliver - gets into the hands of more of our customers sooner.

That’s why we’re accelerating the frequency and time between software updates.

Using continuous integration and shorter release cycles will bring new features and functionality to all Cambrionix products each and every month. Check out our latest software here.




We’re always listening to your feedback, whether that’s in our conversations directly, or via our support desk. If someone suggests a great new feature or new functionality and we decide it needs to be in the core product, we can get it out into the world much sooner.


So if our software isn’t meeting your needs tell us now! We’re open to your ideas and feedback so please let us know how we can help. Contact Cambrionix Support.


New features releasing this month


We’ve been working on lots of user interface enhancements which we won’t detail line by line, but the two main feature releases this month are:


  • USB endpoint discovery and count through our API and LiveViewer
  • USB flash drive information through our API and LiveViewer


If you have any queries about these, please do let us know.


Cambrionix User Manuals


We’re working tirelessly to bring you improvements to our product manuals and the documentation you need to interface with our hardware.

We understand that more information and examples of how to use our products is important.
Using continuous integration, we are regularly and continuously updating all our documentation.


As well as improving the information we provide, we recognise the need for better access through additional languages such as Hindi, Japanese, and Spanish.


We will prioritise additional accessibility based on the requirement – in short, the more people ask for something, the more likely it is to happen, so please keep that feedback coming!

We can’t deliver everything instantly but rest assured, we are taking it all on board and working through it where we can.


We listen to all our customers, and your feedback is important.

If we aren’t meeting your expectation in our documentation let us know through our support desk.




As mentioned in January’s update, we are excited to see the ramp-up of production of our latest Cambrionix product the ThunderSync3-C10.

This fully upgradeable and configurable product is ready to meet your needs now and in the future - why not check out the latest technology here or see the new video here.



Cambrionix is the leading provider of intelligent USB hubs for mass mobile device management. Cambrionix’s range of USB hubs, software and tools, support many of the world's biggest businesses to succeed across a range of industries including hardware and software development, technology, logistics, education, healthcare and retail.


You can click to find out more about Cambrionix’s USB hubs here and the Cambrionix Connect software here.




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