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Command Line Instructions can also be used to control and monitor the functions of the USB hub and attached devices over a VCP (Virtual COM Port). In order to use the command line interface a serial terminal emulator must be installed on the host computer. Examples include
SerialZTermPuTTy, and Minicom

Once you have installed your preferred terminal emulator, please connect to the COM port using 115,200 baud, 8 data bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit. Once you get a command prompt (>>), type “help” for a list of commands and their usage, as shown below.

Typing “l” will give equivalent information to LiveViewer (to quit type “q”) and, using the command “logc X”, will output the data to the console every “X” seconds.

To cancel the control log at any time, please type “ctrl-c”.

Updating Your USB Hub - automatically

Set and forget

USB is ever evolving with new hardware and software that create new compatibility considerations. Cambrionix is committed to staying on the cutting edge and improving our product functionality and compatibility. As part of delivering an easy user experience our Cambrionix Connect application is now a set-and-forget solution. The Connect application will find out what software your USB hub has and present an update for you, ready to just hit install. This now makes keeping your USB up-to-date even easier.